Consulting Services
As a pioneer in design + build, Belz has applied the inherent advantages of design + build delivery to a fully integrated solution, the ultimate in efficiency and value. A holistic single-source solution for you.
The Belz design + build approach is truly unique because it is a disciplined process based on your input and expectations. Design+Build provides a single point of accountability, speeding up the overall design and construction process in a collaborative and seamless process.
Belz Architecture + Construction will review the project plans and specifications to evaluate the completeness of these important documents. We provide our clients with an analysis of the contractor’s estimated construction costs to determine if available funds are sufficient to complete the proposed project. Other contract documents, such as Geotechnical Reports, Soil Borings, Environmental Reports, CPM Schedules, Payment and Performance Bonds, Permits, are also reviewed during this process. A detailed report is issued regarding the overall viability of the construction project, the adequacy of the plans, the reasonableness of the schedule and anticipated costs, and verification of proper permitting being in place.
Front-End Analysis Review of Project Construction Related Documentation
- Project plans and specifications review
- Construction Cost Estimate/Schedule of Values
- Project schedule review
- Soil boring tests review
- Environmental Site Assessment review
- Project permit compliance review
- GC Contract review
- GC Payment &
- Performance Bond review
- Architect’s Contract review
- Construction Management Contract review
Conclusions of Front-End Analysis regarding viability of construction project
- Adequacy of plans
- Reasonableness of project costs
- Reasonableness of project schedule
- Proper permitting
- Special considerations based on site conditions
A professional service that inspects the progress on a construction project prior to releasing the lender funds to the builder. We provide on-site monthly inspections to confirm the loan proceeds are being used as intended. We provide objective, accurate information essential for lending controls, reducing lending risk, speeding draw request processing, and increasing audit compliance. The inspection results and conclusions are detailed in a comprehensive report with photographs to document progress and illustrate any findings of concern.
Monthly Site Observation Reports /Review of Contractor Pay Application
- Timely verbal communication followed by detailed written report
- Recap of GC pay application
- Line-item review and recommended funding for work completed and stored materials
- Commentary regarding quality of work, manpower on site
- Opinion regarding actual progress against project schedule
- Review and recommended action for change orders submitted
- Photos of job site conditions at time of inspection
A Property Condition Assessment includes a complete review of the property, building components and infrastructure. Each component of the property is reviewed, evaluated, photographed, and quantified. The “as inspected” condition of each component is then described in detail. This assessment includes a summary of found conditions, anticipated lifespan for each component, and the remaining years of useful service that each component is anticipated to provide. Access, egress, structure, maintenance, and component failure are documented and photographed.
- Over 60 years of experience
- We bring an owner’s point of view
- Experienced staff of architects and construction professionals
- Single point of contact
- Services customized to meet your needs
- Web based services platform
- Nationwide contacts and strategic relationships
- Turn-key capabilities